GET /v1/parameterGroups指定するパラメーター
フィールド (項目) | 型 | 説明 |
parameterGroups[] | object[] |
␣region | string |
パラメーターグループが稼働しているリージョン名 |
␣description | string |
メモ |
␣parameterGroupName | string |
パラメーターグループ名 |
␣instanceId | string |
パラメーターグループが適用されたDevOpsサーバー名 |
␣parameters[] | object[] |
␣␣allowed_values | string[] |
パラメーター値として許容する文字列のリスト |
␣␣data_type | string |
パラメーター値のデータ型 |
␣␣description | string |
メモ |
␣␣is_modifiable | boolean |
パラメーター値の変更可否 値:
␣␣is_secret | boolean |
パラメーター値の表示可否 値:
␣␣name | string |
パラメーター名 |
␣␣value | string |
パラメーター値 |
curl -XGET
-H 'X-Amz-Date: 20230401T000000Z'
-H 'Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 ...'
"description":"SMTP server password.",
"description":"SMTP server username.",
"description":"From address of mail sent from SMTP server.",
"description":"Reply-To address of mail sent from SMTP server.",
"description":"List of authentication providers.",
"description":"Calls the authentication provider automatically when the page is refreshed.",
"description":"If false, user accounts will be created automatically when authentication was successful.",
"description":"If true, automatically link SAML users with existing GitLab users.",
"description":"Set 'saml' when using the saml provider.",
"description":"Label name displayed on the login button.",
"description":"HTTPS endpoint of GitLab (append users/auth/saml/callback to the HTTPS URL of your GitLab installation to generate the correct value).",
"description":"Fingerprint of saml certificate on IdP.",
"description":"URL for single sign-on provided by IdP.",
"description":"Unique name which identifies the application to the IdP.",
"description":"SAML NameID Format ex) urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent",
"description":"Attribute name to identify the group information contained in the SAML response.",
"description":"User must belong to one of the specified groups.",
"description":"User belonging to the specified group will be registered as external user.",
"description":"User belonging to the specified group will be registered as administrator.",
"description":"User belonging to the specified group will be registered as readonly user.",
"description":"If true, enable LDAP integration.",
"description":"The name of ldap server (ex: main, secondary).",
"description":"Label name displayed on the ldap login button (max 20 characters).",
"description":"Ldap server's hostname or IP address.",
"description":"Ldap server's port.",
"description":"The LDAP attribute that maps to the username that users use to sign in.",
"description":"Encryption method. The method key is deprecated in favor of encryption.",
"description":"Enables SSL certificate verification if encryption method is start_tls or simple_tls. If set to false, no validation of the LDAP server’s SSL certificate is performed.",
"description":"The full DN of the user you bind with.",
"description":"The password of the bind user.",
"description":"Set a timeout, in seconds, for LDAP queries.",
"description":"This setting specifies if LDAP server is Active Directory LDAP server.",
"description":"If enabled, GitLab ignores everything after the first @ in the LDAP username submitted by the user on sign-in.",
"description":"To maintain tight control over the number of billable users on your GitLab installation, enable this setting to keep new users blocked until they have been cleared by an administrator.",
"description":"Base where we can search for users.",
"description":"Filter LDAP users. (Format: RFC 4515)",
"description":"If enabled, GitLab converts the name to lower case.",
"description":"Used in paths for the user’s own projects and when mentioning them in issues, merge request and comments.",
"description":"LDAP attribute for user email.",
"description":"LDAP attribute for user display name.",
"description":"LDAP attribute for user first name.",
"description":"LDAP attribute for user last name.",